News 2022

Saturday 31 December A. D. 2022, at 9.34 am, in the Mater Ecclesiae Monastery in the Vatican, the Lord called to Himself the Holy Father Emeritus Benedict XVI. We pray for him, and he will pray for us and for the Holy Roman Church.

Sua Santità il Papa emerito Benedetto XVI ha lasciato questo mondo per entrare nella vita eterna.
I confratelli e le Consorelle della Reale Confraternita di San Teotonio si uniscono nella preghiera di suffragio ricordandolo come Pastore saggio e premuroso, caritatevole e sorridente, pieno di bontà e di misericordia.
Il Santo Padre Francesco aveva chiesto per lui una preghiera incessante e ora è lui a intercedere per la Chiesa tutta.
La Reale Confraternita non smetterà di elevare al Cielo la sua preghiera con il fine di vederlo elevato alla gloria degli altari.





Para finalizar este recorrido de noticias y reportajes del Viaje a Portugal, no lo iba a poner ya que Ego y Vanidad no me van, pero me han convencido de que era “Justo y Necesario”, como colofón final,  en cuanto a haber recibido una Medalla Castrense, dentro del marco de Servicios de Mérito prestados y las acciones emprendidas a favor del prójimo, entregada por su Gran Prior, con Protecciones y Patronazgos que se pueden observa en el documento. 
Me siento muy por debajo de los méritos que representa, simboliza, constituye, implica y supone una medalla como esta, que significa un nuevo salto cualitativo extraordinario fuera de adulaciones baratas, en el sentido de poner en valor la entrega en una misión, que no está al alcance de cualquiera y que convierte en élite lo hecho.
Agradecido Eternamente.


To end this tour of news and reports on the Trip to Portugal, I wasn't going to put it on since Ego and Vanidad don't like me, but they have convinced me that it was "Fair and Necessary", as a final culmination, in terms of having received a Military Medal, within the framework of Services of Merit rendered and the actions undertaken in favor of others, delivered by its Great Prior, with Protections and Patronages that can be observed in the document.
I feel far below the merits that a medal like this represents, symbolizes, constitutes, implies and supposes, which means a new extraordinary qualitative leap beyond cheap flattery, in the sense of valuing dedication to a mission, which It is within the reach of anyone and that makes what has been done elite.
Eternally Grateful.

José Miguel Martínez Barrera



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An International Chivalric, Genealogical, Heraldic, Nobiliary, and Historical Society, founded 1957.
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Nobiliary Bodies, Noble Corporations, and Chivalric Confraternities of Knights
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Nobiliary Bodies, Noble Corporations, and Chivalric Confraternities of Knights. Capitulo Noble de Fernando VI; Imperial Society of Knights Bachelor

It is with great sadness that we report that our beloved Spiritual Protector H.Em. Cardinal D. Carlos Amigo Valejo OFM,  left this world to meet the Risen Lord. Our sincere and respectfull condolences to the Family and friends.
Former Achbishop of Tanger, Emeritus Archbishop of Sevilla - Kingdom of Spain, Cardinal Priest of Saint Maria in Monserrato degli Spagnoli.
May the Lord grant him eternal rest.
Rest in Peace.




On February 19, 2022, in Melgaço, the Royal Confraternity of São Teotónio, had the honor to receive from the hands of Cástor Pérez Casal, on behalf of the Camiño Miñoto Ribeiro Association, the Seal that accredits the passage of Pilgrims through our Capitular Chapel in Cevide. As well as a copy of the book “CAMIÑO XACOBEO MIÑOTO RIBEIRO” by Cástor Pérez Casal, José Ramón Estévez and Jorge Lamas Bertolo.
A great honor and distinction to our Royal Confraternity that from today can attest to the passage of pilgrims on the way to Santiago de Compostela, using the Minhoto Ribeiro Way, thus stamping the respective Pilgrims' Passports in our Chapter Chapel.


It is with great sadness that we report that our beloved brother Datu Robert Davis, Baron of Adama, left this world to meet the Risen Lord. Our sincere and respectfull condolences to the Family and friends.
May the Lord grant him eternal rest.
Rest in Peace.
